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Employee Benefits Syracuse NY Insurance, Retirement Specialists in Syracuse NY

May 31, 2023

DOL Launches New Mental Health Webpage

The recently launched DOL portal on mental health and wellness has helpful resources and tools for HR practitioners to promote best practices and compliance.

Particularly with the GenZ population, awareness of mental health, reducing stigma, and employers providing appropriate support will play a role in where job candidates seek employment.

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May 12, 2023

Addressing Gaps in Your Employee Benefits Package

With the tight labor market, employers are finding that offering just a “good health plan” is not enough.  Employees are looking for help with income protection and supplemental plans that help cover deductibles. Employers are increasingly engaging employees on these benefits that are valued and make a real difference.

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May 4, 2023

Reducing Healthcare Costs

On April 26th NABIP submitted written testimony to the House Education and Workforce Subcommittee on Health proposing solutions to help control healthcare costs.  Although there is no silver bullet, we’re pleased to see Federal discussion of issues we supported at the state level when we went to Albany in March.


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