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July 6, 2018

Single-Payer vs. Universal Health Care: What’s the Difference?

There are many ways of ensuring that everyone has health care coverage (A.K.A. providing universal health care).  New York representatives are considering passing a Single-Payer bill that would cover all New York residents under one government-sponsored plan.  Is that the same as Universal Health Care?  Click here for an explanation of the different types of coverage options.

July 6, 2018

Cadillac Tax

The Cadillac Tax is a 40% excise tax on employers that provide high-cost insurance benefits to employees.  As part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it was designed to reduce health care costs by encouraging employers to offer cost-effective coverage.  Originally set to become effective in 2018, the effective date has been pushed back to 2022.  Click here for an info-graphic with additional details.

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